Annyeonghaseo,,,How are you...Apa kabar?
Hopefully, you always fine. Ok guys, in this occasion, I
want to show you about speaking teaching media, I use T – card.
T – Card is which one of teaching
media that we can use in speaking skill. Ok now I will give you some review of
T – Card.
The learning
modelT-CARD has broughta
cheerfulatmospherefor students. NowmemorableEnglishstudentsischallengingand
"English is aproblem". The sentence isoftenheardEnglish teacherfromhis students. Much moretowritingandspeakingskills.But I think this media can motivied and.
"English is aproblem". The sentence isoftenheardEnglish teacherfromhis students. Much moretowritingandspeakingskills.But I think this media can motivied and.
T – Card alearning
mediathat isinexpensive,multi-function, but itcanbring
acheerfulatmospherefor studentsandslowlychange thestatement"English
is aproblem " intoEnglishischallengingand
T-cards arecardsbearing theworddesign incertain keywordsthatrelate toanimals. This cardis madeofcardboardinstantnoodles, old calendars, pictures and someblankbusiness cardsareshaped likethe letter "T" is enteredin thebox tothe former site ofthe envelope. T-cards are designed as attractive aspossibletofosterstudentcuriosityandstimulatestudents toexplorethe ability ofspeaking and writingtoa textreport. Learning activitiesusingthiscardWe callShopping forT-Cards. Method'play' isasfollows:
1. 5envelopesfor5groups.
2. 50sheets ofT-cards (the carddesign) that is labeled withspecific keywordsthat
T-cards arecardsbearing theworddesign incertain keywordsthatrelate toanimals. This cardis madeofcardboardinstantnoodles, old calendars, pictures and someblankbusiness cardsareshaped likethe letter "T" is enteredin thebox tothe former site ofthe envelope. T-cards are designed as attractive aspossibletofosterstudentcuriosityandstimulatestudents toexplorethe ability ofspeaking and writingtoa textreport. Learning activitiesusingthiscardWe callShopping forT-Cards. Method'play' isasfollows:
1. 5envelopesfor5groups.
2. 50sheets ofT-cards (the carddesign) that is labeled withspecific keywordsthat
relate toanimals.
3. 50sheets ofpaperPostIt.
4.5pieces ofpictures of animals.
5. 5pieces ofcardboardwithpocketdesign(given the lineandslicedon the lineto
3. 50sheets ofpaperPostIt.
4.5pieces ofpictures of animals.
5. 5pieces ofcardboardwithpocketdesign(given the lineandslicedon the lineto
insertthe T-card
B.How it Works:
B.How it Works:
Stage One: Preparation
•Fill5envelopeseach with1 piece ofa particularanimalimageandsomeT-card
bearing thewords -key
wordsassociatedwithanimalsat random.
• Dividethe class intofivegroups. Give eachgroup1amplopcontains1pictureand
• Dividethe class intofivegroups. Give eachgroup1amplopcontains1pictureand
someT-cards bearingkey wordsfromthe animalswho want
tobe written(the
topictures of animalsthatwillbe written).
•Slip afewT-card from the envelopenumber 1intocardboardenvelopenumber 2
•Slip afewT-card from the envelopenumber 1intocardboardenvelopenumber 2
label1tolabelcardboard2, andso on(the amount
of cardboardin accordancewith
the number of groups).
Stage Two: Shopping forT-Cards
•After5imagesinsertedandallthe T-card entry intocardboardpocketlabeled1
through5, studentsbeginshoppingcard, bythe way: Group1 Shopping/shoppingT-
cardtothe other groupsin
accordancewith thedrawingsowned bythe groupand
the T-card
whichreadsthe keywordsnecessary/appropriateto theimagebelong to
the group1Similarly,other groups(each shoppingvisittoanotherT-card).
•T-card keywordsshoppingresultsare in accordancewith theanimal's own picture
•T-card keywordsshoppingresultsare in accordancewith theanimal's own picture
inserted into thecardboardpocketbelonging
totheir own group.
•Completedcardsforshoppingactivities, studentscreateasentenceofonekeyword
•Completedcardsforshoppingactivities, studentscreateasentenceofonekeyword
was written on theT-card is onpost-itpaperandstick
iton the rightTcard that
madethe sentence. Continue until allcardsare
madeinto aT-sentence.
coherentparagraphswerethen compiledinto
aTextReport. This activity was
followed bysharingthe
work. The
workon displayfor mutualenjoy.Source :
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